Tips on How to Avoid Mistakes While Using Fasteners

Fasteners are the mechanical objects that are used to fasten things ranging from toys to submarines. These fasteners are made from high grade materials such as stainless steel, alloy steel, steel, brass, aluminum and plastics. Surface finishing treatments can be done on fasteners to improve resistance to corrosion and/or appearance.  This post focusses on the common mistakes to avoid while using fasteners.

Mistakes to be Avoided While Using Fasteners

Here are some of the negatives to watch while using fasteners:

  • Choosing the Incorrect Type or Grade: One of the critical prerequisite is choosing the correct grade and type of material to use. Depending on your application you must choose between stainless steel, steel, alloy steel, brass, aluminum or plastic.  Stainless steel 300 series are best for corrosion resistance.  Steel is cost effective, brass is best for soldering or brazing, aluminum is light weight and plastic is good for marine applications.
  • Not Selecting the Right Surface Finish: Surface finish is one effective way of getting better corrosion resistance. Most of the fasteners such as hinges, downpipes and fittings becomes rougher or develops a cavity with the passage of time. This can trap minute particles inside them thus causing rusting or staining and distort the appearance.
  • Improper Cleaning Timetable: Fasteners longevity depends on a regular cleaning schedule. If contaminants are allowed to build up for a long period of time, the cleaning process becomes difficult, which might also distort the appearance of the material.  Also, if the surface is exposed to rainwater, the dust particles get washed off and the fasteners protective layer is removed.
  • Settling for Low-Nickel Stainless Steel: Most of the stainless steel fasteners of 200 series lack in chromium content and more susceptible to rusting as compared to the corrosion resistant stainless steel. Therefore, it is advisable not to opt for low nickel stainless steel. 
  • Making Condition Favorable for Galvanic Corrosion: Galvanic corrosion is an electrochemical process in which two different metals corrode each other when they are in electrical contact. It not only affects the stainless steel fastener, but also damages the metal, which comes in the contact with the fastener. Nylon washers are helpful in preventing them from getting in contact.
  • Exposing the Contaminated Surface: When stainless steel fasteners are exposed to the atmosphere, which is already susceptible to contamination by external agents like metallic dust or corrosive particles, it accelerates the process of rusting. This can also cause physical decay of the material. Iron fillings can be put inside the materials to fill up the rusted cavity.  Therefore, the affected area must be covered with stainless steel fastener during the process.

Fasteners are used in diverse industrial and home applications. They must be selected carefully. If you are looking to buy any fastener please consider an industrial expert like Norwood Screw Machine Parts.

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